My Life in Ecuador, Issue #004
September 15, 2011
My Life in Ecuador brings you the latest news and adventures of my family living in Ecuador.
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My Life in Ecuador
Issue #004, September 15, 2011
September has been a month of change for us. For the first time, my little guy is going to school... Ecuadorian school. He has been enjoying the experience, but there has been a lot to learn for him and me. His school is a public school and budget problems are major. Wow! I never thought I would be asked for money to pay for the copies the teacher needs to make. $3 a trimester.
I am also to be expecting a summons to attend a day for general upkeep on the school. We are going to paint the schoolroom and do some gardening around the school. Way different from any school I've ever known.
Sadly, there are three grades that have two classes in the same classroom-up to 60 kids in one class. They have the teachers needed, but not the classrooms. The Mayor has agreed to help with materials to build, but here we are two weeks in to the school year and nothing. Hopefully this situation is figured out soon. It is causing a great deal of tension and a protest in town was made yesterday to draw some attention to the problem.
I will be working on a page for the site with more details on school in Ecuador in the coming months.
Colonial Quito
Several months ago we took a trip to Quito with some friends of ours. We had some time to kill, so we decided to wander around Old Town Quito. The area is known for it's historic architecture and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
See my photos of this beautiful area.
Bringing Pets to Ecuador
The "Moving to Ecuador" part of my site has become very popular. And when you move to Ecuador you don't want to leave behind your furry friends.
Here's how to do it.
Home Health Care in Ecuador
Also a concern for some is... what if something happens while I'm living in Ecuador? What if I get sick? or injured? Is home health care available?
Find out here.
Travel South America
Many who travel to Ecuador do so as part of a South American tour. There is so much to see and do in South America. I've compiled a small list of places and websites to visit for more information...
check it out.
Well until next time, I will continue to figure out the Ecuadorian school system and other peculiarities of this country...
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